Tintoretto..the Cocktail..the Artist…

By Marialiberati

Paying homage to one of the last great  Renaissance painters, known as Tintoretto (real name Jacopo Robusti) a refreshing cocktail from the newly released book The Basic Art of Cocktails

A simple cocktail known as ….

1/2 cup Prosecco Spumante (or a Spumante)
1/4 cup pomegranate juice
Divide Spumante evenly between 2 champagne glasses. Top each
glass with pomegranate juice evenly divided among two glasses.
Don’t stir- two colors of each liquid will provide two different colors
or layers.

And for more recipes, also get your copy of the Gourmand World Award Winning book

The Basic Art of Italian Cooking:Holidays and Special Occasions-2nd edition