Timeless Tracks and Trails of Belgium

By Vikasacharya
February 17, 2017

Timeless tracks and trails of Belgium

Article Source: idonotdespair.com

I Do Not Despair

I am now trying to get myself a bit fitter after a seasonal layoff from longer bike rides. As it is cold, damp and the visibility is poor the roads are not an attraction and I need a bit of a purpose to keep myself going.

Therefore I have taken on the idea of mountain-biking most of the 27 waymarked routesthat criss-cross our commune, 210 kilometres in total. They have become familiar friends since we ended up in Lasne four years ago, but I never consciously tried to ride or walk each route as a self-contained package. On a mountain bike I have been able to do two or three as one connected ride so I am gradually building up a picture of the whole set, and in the process I have discovered some attractive corners that I definitely would not have found on my own.

Today was…

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Written by Vikas Acharya Posted in blogger