Time to Sail On

By Sailingguide

This will be my last blog post on this site and my final weekly newsletter as I sail on to a new time in life. It's been a good cruise on this website, and I'll miss the opportunity to review new gear and products for sailors and share information and tips about all aspects of sailing. For the many readers who have read parts of Sailing.About.com over the last five years, thanks for your attention - and I hope you've gained something significant. But while all good things come to pass on a personal level, the information on this site should live on as long as it remains relevant. Sail on! Be safe out on the water! And here's a final shameless plug for my latest book written for anyone who wants to know what really causes boating accidents and emergencies that too often lead to fatalities: check out Suddenly Overboard: True Stories of Sailors in Fatal Trouble. Thanks, and goodbye for now.