Time to Move on from the Daylily

By John Markowski @jmarkowski0

Oh joy, they are back again:

A few years ago I wrote about my frustration with the daylily and now I can safely say, without hesitation, that "frustration" has officially evolved into "repulsion". While I only own 3-4 different cultivars, I think I can comfortably say I don't like any of them.
While there is some value in the fact that they reliably return year after year, could grow on my gravel driveway or on the sidewalk without issue and provide a shot of color in the summer, I throw up a little in my mouth each time I see them in bloom at McDonalds or Dunkin Donuts or at each and every one of my local gas stations.
Life is too short to be lazy and grow ugly plants. It is time for a proper divorce.
To prove just how serious I am, here are 5 things I would rather do than be forced to live amongst these garish creations while in bloom:
1)Listen to this song on a loop for 24 hours straight

2)Eat a tomato sandwich with extra mayo.
3)Go on a cross country road trip with this guy
4)Get a New York Yankees tattoo on my forehead
5)Grow an entire bed of only Yuccas and Hostas
Carry on.