* Fight Fracking in Pennsylvania: From August 29 until September 3 there will be an action camp in North East PA. EF! organizers are working steadily with folks from the area to plan to defend the last wild area in PA- 1,000s of acres of woods slated to have over 2 dozen well pads, plus access roads and related fracking infrastructure. The locals are calling this place their line in the sand, and are looking for anyone experienced with tree sitting, climbing, backwoods actions, or training. And anyone willing to live in a tree. Their basic plan is to have a few direct action trainings leading up to the Action Camp, and then dig in big time throughout the fall. The industry is planning to start building roads in October and tree clearing for well pads in November.
If you can make it to PA, plan to be as self-sufficient as possible. There will probably not be a central kitchen (but you could be part of building one!) or other centralized resources- they are trying to put most of the campaign money and energy into actions. Plan on camping, and they have plenty of space that can be used indefinitely. Contact apactivepotential [at] gmail [dot] com for more info.
* Stop Enbridge’s Tar Sands Pipeline in Indiana: Similar to David Daniels (whose land hosted Middle Earth in Texas), a landowner in Indiana is inviting folks to come camp on his land- which happens to have a proposed tar sands pipeline on it. Tree clearing could start soon, and folks are making plans to set up a long-term free state and tree village. If you have climbing or blockading experience, or want to learn, head on out. There is at least one nearby house that will be chill to be at, but folks are encouraged to come ready to camp on the land and help create this free state- and all of the things needed there- from a kitchen to shitters, from kubati court to blockades.
Please contact freestate [at] riseup [dot] net to get plugged in.
* Protect Old Growth in Cascadia: For almost three months, Cascadia Forest Defenders have been tree sitting and blockading the White Castle Timber sale – against the destruction of the remaining old forests and for the right of all living things to exist. We intend to stay until White Castle is once more a forest and no longer a timber sale and will continue to maintain our blockades while pressuring the powers that be to back off.
We are calling out for more blockaders, tree sitters, dreamers, the malcontent, all folks of a diversity of skill sets and abilities to come join us. Contact cascadiaforestdefense [at] riseup [dot] net
There it is. Get in touch, have fun, and stay in trouble.