Time & Money – Saving Tips On Decorating Your Bedroom

By Kravelv

A bedroom is the most intimate room within a home. It is a space that is essential for our feelings of comfort and belonging. Therefore, people often have the need to change and improve the interior of their bedrooms.

To help you refresh your bedroom space, we prepared a list of easy improvements you can make with minimum investment.

Ideas and Tips for Bedroom Refurbishment

For some reason, when renovating their homes, bedrooms are the last thing people think about. Most of the budget usually goes to the rooms that are on display most often, like the living room.

However, sooner or later, people realize how important bedrooms are for our well-being. if you are serious about your resting space, the best thing to do is hire a professional. It is probably a more expensive option, but not necessarily so.

Before you hire an interior design agency, they will provide you with a remodeling cost estimation, according to your ideas. Thus, you can decide in advance if you can afford their services or not.

In case your bank account decides you can't afford a professional designer, we've got you covered. Luckily, you don't have to be rich in order to remodel your bedroom. A few smart fixes and you could entirely change the bedroom atmosphere.

#1 Start With the Bed

The bed is the central object of every bedroom. So, it doesn't seem strage to begin bedroom refurbishment there.

You could start simple, and buy new bedsheets and blankets. The change can be about colors, decoration, or materials. If it's spring, for example, you could try out some floral motifs and linen fabrics.

Also, think of something you've never had. What about sensual black-and-white bedsheets made of sleek satin? Or additional pillows with colorful embroidery?

#2 Declutter: Bring In Storage Boxes

Sometimes, we tend to pile up things that we don't actually need. So, from time to time, it feels good to get rid of items that only take up space. Removing unnecessary things can make the room feel more spacious. Besides, it can reduce the amount of dust.

If you feel the room is stuffed with things, but you don't want to throw them away, there is another solution. You can achieve the same tidiness effect by arranging the excessive things into new storage boxes.

#3 Add Lights to Make A Magical Atmosphere

The atmosphere of warmth, contentment and safety is so important to Danish people, that they have a special word for it. They call it hygge. And Scandinavian cultures are always a good starting point for thinking about architecture and design.

The ambient lights are powerful and cheap tools you can use for achieving hygge in your bedroom. What you could do is bring in new bedside lamps. A new lampshade or a dimmable lamp could make a true difference.

Or else, introducing colorful window curtain lights or a water bubble lamp could do wonders for generating a feeling of coziness inside your bedroom.

#4 The Walls: Add Photos and Plants

Although some people avoid having plants where they sleep, they are actually great for bedrooms. It is true that they produce some CO2, but much less than humans and pets. On the other hand, they bring a tinge of nature's freshness inside your bedroom.

If you're keen to be green, without having to water and take care of the plants, you can simply put artificial vines on the wall, just for the sake of decoration.

Finally, adding new photos inside colorful or otherwise creative frames is an old trick to bring back dynamics inside a room.