Time for TMI – Time to Talk to Your Teenage Daughter About Yeast Infections #TimeforTMI, #IC #ad

By Upliftingfam @upliftingfam

“I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Monistat®. I received a product and promotional item to thank me for my participation.”

This post is for the ladies only.

Ladies have you ever had that intense itching down in your nether regions? I have and it is never comfortable. I wanted to share this campaign to bring awareness to the young ladies in our lives. If you have a daughter, chances are she will come to you at some point to tell you that she has a problem with her lady bits. It is important that you keep the lines of communication open with your daughter so that she will come to you with all of her problems including the health of her vagina. Yeast infections can happen to anyone. Many people don’t enjoy talking about tough subjects such as vaginal health.

Many women often have a small amount of yeast that lives inside of their vagina but when the fungus multiplies it can cause you to experience a yeast infection. Yeast infections are normal and over 55% of women including teenagers often are embarrassed or they feel judged. If your daughter has a yeast infection, you should reassure her that it is normal and that it is something that is easily treated.

Symptoms of a Yeast Infection

What are the symptoms of a yeast infection?

  • Vaginal discharge that may be thick, white, and lumpy like cottage cheese.
  • Burning, itching (often intense), redness, or swelling
  • Pain when urinating or having sex.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms for the very first time, you should see your health care professional for treatment. It is important to see a doctor to rule out any other possible vaginal health issues that can have a few of the same symptoms. Once you have had your very first yeast infection, you can self treat the yeast infection with over the counter products such as Monistat®.


What triggers a yeast infection?

  • your period
  • birth control
  • antibiotics
  • illness

Many people believe that you can get yeast infections by having sex, heat from your laptop, or from going swimming. These things won’t cause a yeast infection. Don’t worry a yeast infection isn’t contagious either.

Curing a Yeast Infection

Once you determine that you have a yeast infection, you can begin treatment right away to help reduce your symptoms. Simply buy Vaginal Health Test and Monistat® in 1, 3, or 7 day treatment. The Monistat® vaginal health tests allows you to test your vaginal secretions in the convenience of your home. It is the same type of test that doctors and health care professionals use to determine if you actually have a yeast infection. Make sure that you follow the directions on the box for accurate results.

If the vaginal health test confirms that you do have a yeast infection, you can begin treatment using the Monistat® products. You can choose from cream, Ovule®, or suppositories. They also have a 1, 3, or 7 day treatment. Check with your doctor to determine which one is best suited for you. I personally had my ob/gyn recommend the 7 day treatment to avoid rebound infections.

Skip the Home Remedies

I remember at one point googling frequent yeast infections and I found a bunch of wild home remedy treatment options that other people had tried. After carefully looking at this information, I decided to skip it and stick to the over the counter products. Most of the home remedies on the Internet can actually delay your treatment and can make your symptoms worse. Next time you get a yeast infection choose the #1 doctor recommended over the counter yeast infection treatment and get rid of your symptoms quick and easy.

Did you know that over 53% of young women don’t know how to deal with a yeast infection? Also, two out of every three women don’t realize that they can cure their yeast infection using an over-the-counter treatment like Monistat® products. With all of the information, it can be confusing, overwhelming, and scary for women who get a yeast infection for the very first time.

Monistat® offers women a prescription-strength medication without going to the doctor for a prescription. It even starts curing on contact.

Time for TMI

Monistat® is launching “It’s Time for TMI,” because when it comes to you or your daughter’s body and health, you can never have too much information. Plus, you want to obtain information like this from a reputable source. Please visit, ItsTimeforTMI.com, it is a great resource that you can use to talk to your daughter. Plus, you can even use it to educate her about yeast infections and learn how to cure them.


Don’t forget to grab your coupon for Monistat® products! Click here for your coupon.

I hope that this post has given you the proper tools to openly talk to your daughter about her vaginal health. You want her to be able to come to you with problems including discussing topics that are usually considered TMI. It is super important to have this conversation with your teenage daughter and even other female peers so that they understand what’s happening to her body and how to properly take care of a yeast infection. Yeast infections are no big deal and it is nothing that your daughter should be embarrassed about.

Have you openly talked to your daughter about vaginal health and yeast infections? If no, do you plan on having a conversation to help educate your daughter?

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