The garden looks a little bare without it now but there is always a silver lining. I had 4 nice size stumps that I thought I would have a go at growing mushrooms on down the plot. At first I wasn’t sure that I could use this wood but again after a bit of research and some friends on twitter I found I could. I have always wanted to grow mushrooms and never could get hold of the right wood for the job and the kits don’t really appeal to me, does anyone else grow mushrooms or have in the past I would love to hear from you and how it went for you.Other things that have been going on this week, the last raised bed was finally dug over andfinished with a sprinkle of chicken manure ready for this year’s crops.
I can’t believe how much the pear tree has come on since last week it really has put on growth and the buds are fit to burst. The strawberries are romping away too and there are flowers everywhere
The path
All that’s left to sort out is the “path” between my plot and my neighbours, they haven’t really done much on their plot since they got it last year and the path has been left and only given a little tidy every so often when the weeds get too bad that they encroach on my plot. So I have a length of landscape fabric left that I have ear marked for this job all I need to do now is get my hands on a petrol strimmerand chop them down. Then hopefully this won’t be such a problem this year.After
Enjoy your Easter whatever your planning
as ever there are more pics on my facebook page