Tigers, Real, Robotic and Quirky

By Lexi Revellian @LexiRevellian
I came across this beguiling video from the World Wildlife Fund...

...and it occurred to me that tigers have been on my mind lately. In The Trouble with Time, Floss is stalked by a tiger in a deserted London in 2180; one of the last actions of the last keeper at Regent's Park Zoo was to release the big cats into the depopulated city. In soon-to-be-published Dreams of the Machines, the man who invented time travel has also made a robotic tiger. In one timeline in the novel, by 2145 they are extinct. I do hope this will never happen in real life - after all, if humanity lacks the will to save the tiger, we are not likely to manage to save anything else, including ourselves.
On another tack, I've been branching out into costume jewelry lately. Inspired by Mortal Engines, where one character has a necklace made from CDs, I've been making jewelry from CDs. I've launched a shop on Etsy, and it seemed only reasonable to call it Quirky Tiger.