TIDAL WAVE - “The Lord Knows” - (Ripple, 2023, Sundsvall, Sweden) -

Posted on the 26 February 2023 by Ripplemusic

Damn, I just realized it's been a pretty fair stretch since I've posted an album review on here. Been long enough, in fact, that I actually had to look up the last one to remember what format I used for the artist, title, label etc. That's pretty bad for someone who used to be throwing these things up all the time and even publishing a printed zine years ago.

That all being said though, if I'm stepping back into the reviewer's fray (at least for the moment), this sophomore effort from Sweden's TIDAL WAVE is a pretty sweet spot to start. I'll be the first to admit I hadn't heard TW's 2019 debut, "Blueberry Muffin." Could be that it was released on my birthday (Dec 6) & I was otherwise occupied. Could be that the title sounds like slang for some kind of STD. Just kidding but when my good ol' buddy Todd informed me that Ripple had the band's 2nd album in the chamber and was ready to fire one my way, I figured I'd better check out #1.

I did and it was...ok. Good stoner rock, kicked it pretty decent but truth be known, nothing that was going to make me run around the room. Still, I'm a big believer in the Ripple ethic and I knew that if the Todd-meister said the new one was something I needed to hear...well, I needed to hear it.

A few days later the package comes in the mail, "The Lord Knows" CD tumbles out and into my player and I hit play. Tell you what: After firing this round, I'm glad Mr. Severin may need a minute to reload because I'll be recovering from my injuries in the meantime.

Seriously, this is as comprehensive a step-up from a debut as I've heard a band take in a long time. While TIDAL WAVE's initial offering was alright, this one is a goddamn explosion from the word go!

Right off the bat, "Lizard King" gets things going and while I've got all the admiration in the world for the late Jim Morrison, this track makes THE DOORS sound like they need new hinges. Here we've got a pulsing, mid-paced marauder that immediately goes to "11" on the wings of Alexander Sundqvist's massive vocals. One thing about so-called "stoner rock" is that a lot of the singers (to mention other things) sound samey. This guy blows all that to shit in a hand basket as he has some damn PIPES!!! No air-raid siren or guttural growls here. This is pure mid-range glory, like Paul Rodgers if he was raised by wolves. Then 2:40 rolls around and guitarist Jesper Sjödin puts his first stamp on this killer album. I absolutely love his lead tone. It's sharper and more metallic than a lot of players in this style and his lines remind me a lot of the fluid, melodic figures of Billy Duffy (THE CULT).

Yes, my friends, this is seriously good shit and to be honest, the band never lays down or goes to sleep. "End Of The Line" is a fast-paced chugger that will have you mashing the gas in your Camaro...or just speeding up a tad in your Versa...depending of course, on your driving record & insurance status. "Pentagram" displays how people with talent can take a title like this and lyrics that allude to (egads!!!) "Satan" and make it into a song that's fresh, infectious and memorable...not to mention heavy as hell. Listen to the awesome melodic guitar coda here. Like something Tony would've done at the end of "A National Acrobat." High level stuff, brahski.

And on it goes. I won't hammer you with details of every song here. Sometimes I do that, then I re-read the review later and think to myself, "Jesus Christ, Ray, just give the people an idea and them hear something for themselves!" I will (because I'll forever be long-winded) mention that "Purple Bird" is as good an arena-level rawk song as I've heard since BAD CO and "Thorsakir" could sidle up to a lot of cuts on "Heaven & Hell" & rub shoulders quite comfortably.

Point is this. With "The Lord Knows," their 2nd full album, TIDAL WAVE have served notice that they're NOT falling into the sound-a-like stoner soup that's so prevalent these days. This is a band that has a killer singer & guitarist and excellent players all round. More than that, they know how to write and arrange songs that have melody and are quite memorable, at points, mountain-top. They're poised to do great things & I want a front-row seat.


Alexander "Sunkan" Sundqvist - vocals

Jesper "Jeeperbahn" Sjödin - guitar

Adam "Aden" Nordin - bass

Rasmus "Raz" Sundberg - drums
