Thursday Web Tidbits

By Lisa @Lisapatb
Did you read the story yesterday about how many Facebook Friends you have is determined by your size of certain brain areas? This could raise the possibility that using online social networks might change our brains.

Researchers discovered a strong connection between the number of Facebook friends and the amount of grey matter in the amygdala, the right superior temporal sulcus, the left middle temporal gyrus and the right entorhinal cortex. Grey matter is the layer of brain tissue where mental processing occurs. The thickness was also related to the number of real world friends one has but the thickness of the other 3 regions is connected to online friends only. The study results were published on Wednesday in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
Klout is entering a new era with new measurements to keep track of your Klout scores.
They claim they've improved the stability and accuracy of their scores. Furthermore they say, our sub-scores have always been an important part of Klout. This update will make them more clear and make changes easier to understand. They explain in their blog some users will see a score go up and more go down and many stay the same. Stay tuned!
More changes with Google to keep up with from the Hubspot blog:

Google to Limit Keyword Search Referral Data to Marketers. It will default to encrypting search results for logged-in users on, beginning very soon. This is being done for privacy and security reasons, Google notes that this means referrer strings will no longer be passed to destination sites from logged-in users' search results. According to the web spam director at Google this should only affect less than 10% of search conducted daily. You can read more on Google here. This will make it more difficult for webmasters and SEO folks to keep track of keywords being used to get to their websites but it is less than 10% of searches conducted daily.
How do you keep up with the daily changes on the web for your blog or website?