Thursday Things

By Mollyalice @mollyalicehoy

1. Is this my first Thursday Things in a month? Yes, I believe it is. I have a surprisingly small amount to report, even though on my end it feels like a lot of things are going on. I guess I’m still waiting to see how those things end up panning out!

First off, I’m sure you’ll all be pleased to know I’ve been eating pretty well, at least over the past week or so.


It’s not until I compile all these pictures that I realize how many greens I’ve consumed. Good job, self!

This is mainly on account of our CSA box FINALLY arriving last week. After much drama surrounding our impossible front gate and the delivery man’s inability to get past the finicky latch, we at last received our box and are still steadily munching on it. I can neither confirm nor deny that I ate our entire head of broccoli in one day.

2. My Irlen glasses finally came! They are a very tasteful shade of lavender and I am absolutely in love with them. It took me a few days to get the hang of wearing glasses, but they make me feel so much better that now I can’t imagine being without them.

3. In case you haven’t seen it already, I started up a new Tumblr devoted to Mel, her cuteness, and gratuitous pictures of said cuteness. That’s right, every obsessive Instagram I’ve ever taken of Mel can now be found at with daily updates. Go gaze upon the cuteness — you owe it to yourself!

4. As of today, I’ve been vegan for 3 months, wheat-free for almost 10 weeks, and soy-free for 9. And, somehow, it has indeed gotten gradually less torturous as I’ve gone along. Although I still have nightmares about eating the wrong things, like a bacon-wrapped chicken breast on a bed of breaded mozzarella sticks.

No joke. Actual dream.