Thursday Things

By Mollyalice @mollyalicehoy

1. Happy National Coming Out Day! And to my Canadian/Australian/British friends… well, I’m sure it applies to you too! This is actually the first Coming Out Day that I’ve been out to anyone but my girlfriend, and it’s liberating to say the least. If you’re coming out or thinking about coming out to your friends and family, know that I’m always here to offer encouragement if you need it!

2. Going strong as we enter week two of VeganMoFo! I haven’t been posting as obsessively as I feel I ought to, but I HAVE been cooking and experimenting a lot more, which I guess is part of the point. Hopefully my clothes will still fit by the end of the month!


3. Guess what! Andy and I have taken the plunge and joined a CSA! It’s something I’ve been thinking about doing for a while, but I always figured it would be out of my price range or inconvenient somehow. After doing a little research, however, I learned that there are several affordable boxes and delivery options (like getting a smaller box on a biweekly or triweekly basis). Our first delivery comes next week, and I’m more excited than I probably should be!

Hopefully this will be an easy way to get more complex carbs into us. The only fruits and vegetables I had growing up came out of cans, so I tend to be satisfied with the produce we get at the grocery store.  Andy, on the other hand, grew up eating fruits and vegetables from her grandparents’ garden and won’t touch the grocery store stuff. I’m looking forward to being similarly converted!

4. It’s been roughly 6 weeks since I went vegan, 4 weeks since I went gluten-free, and 3 weeks since I went soy-free! While I’m still daunted by the prospect of living this way forever, it’s definitely gotten easier and more intuitive as I go along. I’ve yet to feel truly deprived, which is a plus. When I do feel a little tingle for that slice of pizza or golden Oreo, I cope by chanting RESTRICTED DIETS ARE FUN to myself over and over until I believe it.

5. Lastly, a little entertainment for your Thursday afternoon. Further proof that our neighbors love living next to the queer couple.