"Throw Him Over a Cliff and Save a Bullet!"

Posted on the 27 May 2013 by Jamesswezey
There "seems" to be a lot of good news for me as of late. This past week, or rather the past few days, I have potentially found a place to move into, I have received a pay raise from work, and I just got paid. Not a bad week, now though I only hope that I get the place that I want. It possesses everything that I require, except for a nice stove, but I suppose you cannot have everything. It's in a nice neighborhood, on the side of town that I want to be on, has an attached garage, a nice sized kitchen, a fireplace, two bedrooms, two bathrooms, two small decks, and a dishwasher machine. I'm not quite certain what I would do with all of the additional space, but I suppose it's there in case I have quite a few guests. Today I have been busy doing nothing, and then I decided to go over the edits for Book II of which I reviewed 8 pages and it took me probably over fours hours, although I broke it in half. I don't know why it is taking me so long to get through the edits, but it is rather maddening. However, I will take however long is necessary to make very certain that the book is up to scratch. During the interval I made myself dinner and watched the film The Guns of Navarone which I thought would be fitting since it is Memorial Day Weekend, and yesterday I watched The Hunt for Red October one of the best sub films ever, and the best Jack Ryan film ever, even though it has Alec Baldwin in it. In a way much has transpired since I last posted, most of it though pertains to my job, therefore I cannot share it here. I finished watching The Borgias Season 2 and I do have to admit that I am highly intrigued by this apparently first ever Italian mafia crime family, even though it was the Pope's own family. Cesare (pronounced je-zuh-ray) Borgia has definitely piqued my curiosity great as a historical character, as well as Niccolo Machiavelli. Francois Arnaud who plays Cesare does an astounding job; truly one of the better performances of the series, although Jeremy Irons is untouchable as Pope Alexander VI. It's a really good series, although upon looking at the trailer for the next season, I was a little disturbed to see a potential incest going on within the Borgia family. When I reflected on that and what happens in Game of Thrones I've noticed that American culture is beginning to become much more sexually ambiguous; apparently out here where I live, in high school it's hip and cool to be bi-sexual from what my co-workers reports amongst the clientele they work with. I'm nit quite sure where the culture will end up with all of this, but I don't think it will be anything positive. I guess time will tell. I was disheartened to read in The Wall Street Journal that the Syrian Civil War does not seem to be going well for the resistance against Bashar al Assad. Not only has Iran allied itself with Assad, but Russia continues to sell the government arms and with a gently veiled threat, told the United States not to interfere, and now apparently Hezbollah also wants to help keep Assad in power and are providing military assistance to the regime. Meanwhile, the Syrian resistance is alone, as the West (and in particular) the United States' government twiddle their thumbs. There is no easy answer for a solution to this problem, or to the lackluster involvement by the Western powers. I continue to believe that not helping the Syrian people is breeding far reaching dangerous problems that will effect the West and the United States for decades to come; I don't think that many historians will judge President Obama's military choices very kindly concerning this matter. Well, I suppose for once that not all of the news is bad, although I do wish good news for the Syrian people, and others that live under repressive governments. God be with all of them. Have an excellent night everyone, and either enjoy your week, or in addition to that have a pleasant Memorial Day.
The Guns of Navarone Trailer
The Borgias Season 3 Trailer