Through a Flower Girl’s Eyes — London Wedding

By Claire

But I can’t resist intro­duc­ing this wed­ding in a dif­fer­ent way: there is a won­der­ful sequence of images show­ing Kirsty-Anne’s pretty flower girl whose excite­ment is the most amaz­ing thing to see!

This of course is a beau­ti­ful wed­ding from begin­ning to end: Kirsty-Anne and James make a stun­ning cou­ple; the dress is divine; the venues mag­nif­i­cent. Doc­u­men­tary wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Mar­tin Bed­dall cap­tures the emo­tion of this Lon­don wed­ding and his images have put me in such a roman­tic mood this morning!

Kirsty-Anne was run over just six months before her wed­ding day and her recov­ery gives us real per­spec­tive on what’s impor­tant here: love, mar­riage and the cel­e­bra­tion of two peo­ple com­mit­ting to shar­ing a life together. With my thanks to Mar­tin Bed­dall for the images and to Kirsty-Anne and James for shar­ing their story. This is beau­ti­ful. Enjoy.

The bride and groom: Dr. Kirsty-Anne Noble and Mr. James Jose Mar­tin Walker

Wed­ding venue: St Etheldreda’s Church, Far­ring­don Lon­don fol­lowed by a recep­tion at the ICA.

Wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher: Mar­tin Bed­dall

How would you describe your wed­ding style? Ele­gant, Simple

Kirsty-Anne and James’s wed­ding story

We wanted to keep the day sim­ple and fuss-free for both our­selves and our guests. Most of our friends live in Lon­don but have been mar­ried abroad or in the coun­try so we wanted to do some­thing a bit fresh. Organ­is­ing a wed­ding locally also meant less fuss for us! St Etheldreda’s is the most beau­ti­ful church and is tucked away down a quiet gated round in Far­ring­don. My cousin was mar­ried there and I was made god­mother to my beau­ti­ful flower girl there. The acoustics and light­ing in the church are known to be amaz­ing and we def­i­nitely realised this on the day.

James stayed at ‘The Rook­ery’ in Far­ring­don the night before to ensure he was only a stone’s throw away from the church and I stayed at ‘The Gor­ing’. I had my best friend and my cousin as my brides­maids and they were both wear­ing navy silk dresses from Coast with black lace shoes from Zara. My flower girl was wear­ing an ivory dress from ‘For­ever Yours’ and my page­boy was dressed from head–to–toe in Jacadi. James had 5 ush­ers who were all wear­ing navy with navy silk ties from Hugo Boss.

My dress was from Phillipa Lep­ley with a lace gown over the top (taken from the Pronovias ‘Iman’ dress). I mixed the design­ers up as the dress which matched the Pronovias lace gown was a bit bor­ing. James wore a suit from Hugo Boss.

I walked into ‘Arioso’ Bach – accom­pa­nied by a cello. A gen­tle piece which suited the small church. We chose a Pin­ter poem called ‘It is here’ for our read­ing. James loves Pin­ter and this poem seemed to really fit. We also had a bible read­ing. One of our best friends sang ‘panis angeli­cus’ which was just amaz­ing – we are very lucky to have such a tal­ent amongst our cir­cle of friends.

Invi­ta­tions were done by ‘Emily and Jo’ sta­tion­ers – again a bit dif­fer­ent from a tra­dional wed­ding invite. They were very chic and got tonnes of compliments.

The recep­tion was held at the ICA which over­looks The Mall and St James’ Park. The bal­conies pro­vided a stun­ning view of Lon­don lit up at night. The fur­ni­ture was hired from Vel­vet liv­ing and we just loved the mir­rored bar! The ICA pro­vided a wed­ding man­ager who stayed for the whole event to ensure every­thing ran smoothly. The cater­ing sup­plied by the ICA was through ‘Pey­ton and Byrne’ and so was obvi­ously delicious.

The flow­ers were done by Gail Smith Flow­ers who was the only florist I could find that had amaz­ing huge mir­rored fish bowl vases – that looked amaz­ing when packed with white roses.

We kept the tables sim­ple. Our theme was roman­tic films (as James works in film) so table names ranged from ‘Break­fast at Tiffany’s’ to Casablanca and ‘Dr Zhivago’ (for my Doc­tor friends)! Each table had a lam­i­nated black and white photo (taken from the film) to indi­cate which table it was. Our wed­ding favours were lit­tle white rib­bon tied boxes with home made mac­a­roons inside.

My favourite part of the day was walk­ing down the aisle to my very hand­some hus­band. I was run over 6 months before my wed­ding day, frac­tur­ing my spine and smash­ing all my front teeth out. My spine is still held together by lots of rods and screws and I have had to undergo about £12k of den­tal work. Need­less to say, I was very grate­ful to be able to walk unaided down the aisle and carry off a great smile. My sec­ond favourite part of the day was lis­ten­ing to my husband’s speech. It was hys­ter­i­cal, hon­est and sen­ti­men­tal and man­aged to make almost every guest laugh and cry all within ten minutes.

Stay­ing at the Gor­ing was just per­fect and wak­ing up to a glo­ri­ous sunny day in Lon­don was very spe­cial. We took our hon­ey­moon in Brazil which I would def­i­nitely rec­om­mend to any­one who wants to do a bit of explor­ing.