Throat Gonorrhea Crisis Averted

By Dmroughton
Ok, everyone you can hold off on your orders of cherry flavored throat condoms. It is official. I do NOT have throat gonorrhea.
I DO officially have strep throat for which I just received some meds. I got a brand new, handy, dandy Z-Pak to take care of the infection since I'm allergic to penicillin.
Throat Gonorrhea Crisis Averted I also got a couple of days' worth of Hydrocodon for pain. (By the way, I did learn that one of the symptoms of throat gonorrhea is blurred vision, so you can use this picture as an indicator to see whether or not you need to get checked out for that.)
Now, since I am quite the responsible adult (shut up), I read all the warning labels. As it turns out, I cannot even start taking the freaking pain pills until I find out whether or not I am pregnant. (41 is still "of childbearing age" right?")
So until I go buy a freaking Clearblue easy (cause blue is purty), I will have to suffer in  pain. Can I never get a break in life?!?!