ThrillerFest/CraftFest Savings End In 3 Days

By Dplylemd

Your ThrillerFest team is working hard on what we hope will be the best conference yet.  Please register at before midnight EST on Friday, February 28th  to take advantage of the savings.

FBI seminar:  Join us for a full day workshop at the FBI headquarters in NYC on Monday, July 7th.  The roster is filling up quickly, so please sign up soon.

Master CraftFest:  An intensive day of study with the Masters:  Steve Berry, Steven James, John Lescroart., D.P. Lyle, MD, and David Morrell.  You won’t want to miss out on this incredible opportunity.   There are fewer than five spots left.

CraftFest:  We have four concurrent tracks of lectures on craft all day Wednesday and Thursday morning.  Whether you are a new writer or an experienced author, let the talented teachers at CraftFest take your writing to the next level.

ThrillerFest:  Panels, workshops, interviews with 2014 ThrillerMaster Scott Turow and 2014 Silver Bullet Award recipient Brenda Novak—join us for two days of non-stop celebration of the thriller genre.

FACEOFF/FanFest:  Join the contributors of ITW’s newest anthology, FACEOFF, along with sponsoring ITW FanFest authors and their fans for a memorable evening of fun.  If you are an ITW author and want to host fans at FanFest, please contact ThrillerFest Executive Director at

Banquet:  Get your tickets now to a night of celebration and be among the first to hear who wins the 2014 Thriller Awards.

As you can see, we have a phenomenal week planned, and we’d love to see you there!

Warmest regards,

Kimberley Howe, Executive Director, ThrillerFest

DP Lyle, ITW VP for Education/Member Services; CraftFest Director