Thrill Me Trilliums

By Alternativeeden @markngaz

Trilliums, one of my favorite spring flowering plants. Up early in the spring, flowering by mid spring, then fades away by summer. It may not be exotic for North Americans, being plants that come from there, but it certainly is exotic here.

Trillium sulcatum

It's not the easiest of plants to establish and it can be very slow to bulk up. But well worth persevering with as we've seen so many public and private gardens that have been successful with them. Bulking up and doing so well for a stunning spring display.

Trillium sulcatum

The ones we have planted out before are still relatively struggling, showing up but not with the strongest of presence. But at least they are bulking up, albeit slowly.

Trillium simile

Trillium sessile

Trillium erectum (left), Trillium erectum x flexipes (right)

We bought several Trilliums last spring but never got the chance to plant them out. So they stayed in their pots and for the rest of the season got neglected. Not that there was much to neglect as they did go dormant by summer but the pots dried out on many occasions for days, and intermittently soaked for days too when the trays they were sat on was filled with rain water that we didn't tip away.

I thought they won't show up being the potential sensitive plants that they are. So when they showed up this spring I was so pleased. And they've done even better despite all of that. This weekend was the time to finally plant them out

Hopefully they'll do even better now that we've set them free. They'll be going dormant soon but they'll be something to look forward to next spring, cross fingers!

Mark :-)