Thrifty Thursday: Organic Extreme Couponing

By Peaceloveorganicmom

Being a regular Whole Foods Market shopper my family's grocery bill can get very pricey. I am always looking for ways to cut back our bill and was excited to recently discover a new way to cut costs! Emailing organic companies for coupons is a great way to reduce your overall grocery bill (especially since the Sunday paper doesn't usually include organic coupons). Many of the companies are super friendly and will get back to you promptly on whether or not they can fulfill your request. Companies I emailed are Organic Valley, Clif, Bionaturae, Newman's Own, Late July, Vermont Bread Company, and list goes on. Basically I emailed all the companies that we are regularly using in our household. Some of them also sent me delicious recipe booklets I could use when cooking for my family.
In addition to emailing companies, you can also sometimes find manufacturer's coupons directly on the companies websites or these great sites too:
Give it a try and help your family eat organic and natural for less!