Thrifty Fashion ~ Making Denim Look Girly for Summer

By Cassiefairy @Cassiefairy

I don’t know about you, but I love denim for creating a cool, casual look – everyone has their favorite pair of jeans or denim jacket, but summer is a hard time of year to wear denim. Although it’s always comfy and practical (not forgetting always on trend!) it’s sometimes a little too thick or bulky to wear in this lovely hot weather. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t create a stylish summer outfit using your favorite denim wardrobe staples. When my family and I took a trip to the seaside last week, I decided that this would be my first outing in my new Bon Prix floral dress (yes, I know… I’ve been shopping at Bon Prix again!) and I dressed it down with my favorite denim jacket (also from Bon Prix!), my satchel (full of sunblock!) and a pair of my 1 pound pumps! My new dress was the perfect choice for such a hot day because the cotton fabric kept me cool and it was loose-fitting enough to let a breeze through! And when the wind picked up a bit, as it always does at the coast, I popped on my denim jacket and warmed up – whilst still looking suitably girly! Check out my photos:

In fact, I think I’ll be buying this same dress in one of the different colours (purple or black & red, which do you think would be best?) because it’s such a versatile dress – with the denim jacket, it looked girly and casual, but it can also be easily dressed up for a special occasion or posh afternoon tea with only a pair of cute heels. Let me know what you think about making denim work for summer – how do you wear yours??