Thrifting Jackpot and Other Random Thoughts

By Adrienne Boswell @chiccalifornia1
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Thrifting Jackpot and Other Random Thoughts

Every once in awhile I get an nagging urge to stop into a local thrift store. It’s usually after I haven’t been there for awhile and it’s usually at the most inopportune time. Like when I am supposed to be running other errands. It happened to me today. I felt my car getting sucked into the parking lot. And I’m so glad I popped in.

I hit the thrifting jackpot. I filled up my card with vintage luggage, industrial file cabinets, globes, ironstone dishes and tea cups and a few other random items.

And this beauty. Sorry I haven’t taken any other pics of it, it was a random day. So in the back of my car is the best pic I have for the moment. But I am sure I will be showing you some before and afters soon. Speaking of that, I have been posting a lot of my before and after furniture transformation pics on my Instagram account this summer. So if you aren’t following me on instagram here’s your formal invite to come on over. It’s where you are going to see more of the day to day stuff that I am up to. And random stuff about me. Like the fact that this morning I put my yoga pants on backwards.

Yup, if you are following me on Instagram you would already know that sometimes I do stuff like that. It’s like the US Weekly column “Stars They’re Just Like Us” Only in this case “Bloggers, They’re Just Like Us.” Have you ever put your pants on backwards?

Happy Weekend!