Thrift Haul and Late Halloween Pictures

By Eteclea @eteclea2


Here are SOME clothing I got from my last thrifting adventure.

Thrift Haul and Late Halloween Pictures

Vintage cocktail dress

Thrift Haul and Late Halloween Pictures

A red longsleeves top

Thrift Haul and Late Halloween Pictures

Mesh Jumpsuit

Thrift Haul and Late Halloween Pictures

Gold leatherette skirt

Grecian Style long dress

Leather bustier

Cropped top

Velvet-Leatherette trench coat

Oversized Mesh sleeves top

Now to my halloween pictures:

Yours truly, as Selene from Underworld! :)

photo above: my inspiration for my costume.

Photo above: Another “death dealer” I encountered at the club.

Here comes beetleguise  :)

With a teletubbie and the michellen man.

Me in character lol :)


Selene meets Louise from the interview of the vampire :)


  Hello again! 

     It’s been too damn long since I posted something here, I have been really preoccupied. So what has been going on these past few weeks? Halloween was a BLAST as you can see through the pictures I have attached here. I have been also doing more thrifting and garage sale hunting during the weekends, I just love treasure hunting (esp. for house decors and books)! 

    The weather is getting chillier, the streets are alive with the holiday spirit! I just love this time of the year; not to mention the FOOD! I cannot wait to gorge myself and go in a state of food coma. I already started getting busy in the kitchen, making holiday themed cuisines specially Filipino food I miss pinas! So I like to make comfort dishes that are close to what I had from the Philippines. 

   So have you guys done some Christmas shopping already? :)

