Three Things Thursday - Calgary Marathon Weekend Edition

By Khourianya @khourianya

1) Anyone want a central meeting place for Sunday?  Finding anybody at the start line can be kind of a gong show.  I am still amazed that I managed to find almost everyone I knew in the parking lot last year!  
So, for Sunday morning - I am thinking I will be there by 6:30 and would love to meet up with everyone before the half/full marathoners head out for their 7am start!   If you'd like to meet up - I will be in front of the Big Four building (where the Expo was).  It is fairly close to the start line and should be pretty easy to find each other there!

click to enlarge

I know this will probably be too early for the 5k people so this is pretty much just restricted to the 10k, Half and Full but if you are in the 5k and want to hang out all morning - you are also welcome to join us!
2) I am excited to head to the Expo tonight to pick up my race package.  I'll post later with details from the expo so you will know what to expect if you ware going on Friday or Saturday!
I am already disappointed that a couple of the vendors I was most excited about are no longer on the list :(  But I am in search of calf sleeves so this may only save me money in the end.
3) I am suddenly suffering from extreme mommy guilt (EMG) over the fact that I am racing on my twin daughter's 4th birthdays this Sunday.  I hope that this EMG will inspire me to finish even faster so I can get home to them and celebrate.  Particularly since we are having a family birthday party in the afternoon.
I am so relieved that next year, marathon day falls on June 1!!!
Weather watch for Sunday...

As of today it is looking like warm and showers.   So it could be awesome (cool morning and overcast with sprinkles to cool you just when you need them) or it could be hot or it could be wet and miserable. Any of those fit the description for a Calgary forecast like that.
I'm hoping for awesome.
*** and a little Throwback Thursday for y'all...way back to my first Calgary Marathon event in 2010.  It was my second 5k (the first being Mother's day only 2 weeks earlier) and my first Medal ever.  A medalwhore is born.

Good luck to everyone running this weekend!  I hope to see you all bright and early Sunday morning!