It looks like it will be a super fun costume run right before Halloween. I almost registered to run it, but honestly I'm a little burnt out on racing this year so am more excited at the prospect of dressing up and volunteering in costume! I'm hoping to be a course marshall that day...maybe even bringing my kids out to cheer too.
2) Going for a shameless plug here...
If anyone is going to be running Okanagan Marathon this weekend - you should totally celebrate with pizza after :) My little brother has a pizzaria in Kelowna that I have been told has pretty amazing pizza...
No. 104-3699 Highway 97 North
Kelowna, BC
Check it out and let me know what you think. I haven't been there since he took it over, but everyone I know who has eaten it has RAVED.
3) I am very excited for my super long weekend this week. It is Canadian Thanksgiving up here and I have our special dinner coming together nicely.
Field Roast makes the BEST vegetarian special occasion roasts.
It also promises to be a super busy weekend as we plan to have lots of quality family time, including family photos, a trip to the pumpkin patch, fun times at Telus Spark, visits from Gramma and Grampa, and lots of crafting as we make our Halloween costumes and I tackle a few jewelry projects I've been meaning to start. I'm very excited!