Three Things Thursday

By Khourianya @khourianya
1) I was having 90's shoe flashbacks black "winter" flats have developed a squeaky heel and its driving me crazy.  Finally my mind drifted back to the last truly comfy pair of mary janes I owned (I'm a mary jane fanatic) and realized they were the black Doc Marten Mary Janes I had in high school.  Then I found out there is a Canadian Doc Marten website...and next thing I knew, I ordered the only pair of these in my size

Considerably lower profile than the ones I wore in 1993 and they'd discontinued the t-bar ones...but I think these are super cute and my feet are already dreaming about how comfy they will be.... ahhhhh
I totally just dated myself there.  Is it wrong to admit I was actually contemplating adding a pair of boots to the order too?  I held myself back for now...the urge to add some baggy plaid back into my wardrobe might grow too great if I give in...
2) I am really loving re-reading Lord of the Rings again.  Every time I re-read it, I remember what an incredible novel it is.  If you haven't read it yet and only know LOTR from the movies, please read do yourself a favour and read the book.  Let it captivate you.

3) So - a meetup...this Saturday after Harvest Half.
It seems like many of you are up for it so how about this...I'm thinking coffee.  Theres a Starbucks not far away in Millrise Centre - just on the west side of Macleod there.  Same shopping center as Sobeys and Shoppers.

A= Mid-Sun Community Centre (aka finish line)
B= Starbucks (aka heaven on earth)

I don't even know how to predict a time for the meet up since we'll all likely finish at different times.  Race starts at 7:45am.  In a perfect world, I'll be done by 10 :P   I don't know if I'll hang around the finish line so maybe just say we all try to meetup for coffee sometime around 10:30 or 11.  Sound good?