Three Things Thursday

By Khourianya @khourianya
1)   About that knee pain...
So, I've written about my naggy knee a couple of times and now it is fixed.  Thank goodness for a supportive chiropractor.  I had an appointment already booked for last night and that was the only reason I hadn't been trying to get in faster.  When I told him about my sudden knee issue - he started to poke around my lower leg and when he touched one part of my calf, I nearly shot through the roof.
So tender.
He continued to poke a bit before announcing that my Fibula was stuck.  10 minutes of adjusting later - the knee pain was gone. I iced it last night just to be careful and, while my leg is still a bit tender, the crunching pain beneath my kneecap is miraculously gone.
The Doc told me it is fairly common - he's had it happen to him more than a few times in the sports he plays...he said it is likely a result of my back to back speedy races last weekend and my having not been pushing myself to that level in training because I was trying to heal my other calf.
Makes total sense.  I'm just happy to be able to climb stairs without crying today.
2)   I have been really good with my food all week, now that I am following the Four Hour Body plan.  I'm actually not minding it at all.  I get one cheat day each week and I am actually pleasantly surprised that the only things I really want to have that day are pasta, a pumpkin spice latte and cheesecake.   This may actually be a plan I can stick with.
Oh...and I've lost 4lbs since Monday.  That too.
3)    I am getting pretty excited about my races this weekend.  The Kaleidoscope Colour Run on Saturday with my 12 year old niece promises to be super fun.  I pick up the race packages tonight and she is coming to our house for a sleepover on Friday night so we can have a smoother start on Saturday morning.  No time goals for that one - just to get as color soaked as possible and have a blast with my niece.
Sunday, I run Loop Around the Lake Half in Chestermere.  Two flat loops around Chestermere Lake.  If my knee is back to 100% by then - I may turn on the speed and see if I have 2:15 in the tank.  If not - well, technically it's just a training run anyway.  Most importantly, I just want to have fun and rock the race.