Three Things Thursday

By Khourianya @khourianya
1) I am unbelievably, overwhelmingly, ecstatically happy that it is a long weekend.  Four days of nothing here I come!
We aren't a religious family so it feels weird to "Celebrate Easter", but we tend to look at it as more of a spring celebration.  We embrace the chocolate (in moderation for the Girlies) and have an egg hunt.  This year, the "eggs" (or rather springtime cupcake liners since I couldn't find big enough eggs to do it) will contain jigsaw puzzle pieces.  That way the Girlies can keep hunting until they have 2 assembled puzzles. That should keep them quite happy.
And the lack of evil from Girlies eating chocolate will keep ME quite happy.
2) Dietbet is going very well as I am about to enter the final 10 days of the challenge.   I am within 0.3lbs of my 4% goal and I think that's pretty good considering I have been pretty bad every weekend.  If I can be good 3/4 days this weekend - I think I will blow that goal away in time for the weigh in...and then I can order my yarn ball winder the second the money is in ;)
and find another Dietbet to join to keep me motivated.   I cannot believe how big of a change the 7lbs I've lost so far has been to how my clothes are fitting.  It has been very inspiring to me to see such a small change to my lifestyle reap such a big reward.
3) In the past week, I have felt like I am reaching a bit of a crossroads in my life.  I'm not sure why - it just has that sort of feel to it.  I don't know if it has been evident in my posts, but I feel like something big is about to change everything (and I have no clue what that might be).  It's possibly just spring fever, but somehow feels different. Bear with me if I start to go on tangents.