Three Simple Wardrobe Additions

Posted on the 23 January 2014 by Clairejustalittleless

Hello! A belated post... a post that I was meaning to write for Minimalist Monday but it got squeezed out of my day when student son decided to come home Monday evening for a few days, post exams and pre start-of-term-proper.

Ah well!

This week, feeling locked in midwinter, I decided to lift my spirits by spending my Boden Christmas vouchers (thank you parents-in-law) on something new for spring/summer 2014 (just writing that warms my cockles). After being distracted by autumn/winter sale items - a scandi style jumper did lure me for longer than I care to admit - I consulted my filling the gaps in my wardrobe list determined to nail some basics.

Luckily Boden did have some plain lightweight v neck t shirts including grey, black and white which were in stock and arrived less than two days later. 

At £16 per garment (after discount) they aren't the cheapest cotton t shirts available but they look good quality and are a comfortable fit. I'm confident they'll give me good price per wear. 

Writing a wardrobe gaps list has been a useful lesson in discipline and budgeting. How many times have you bought something in the past (often in the sales or on impulse) only to regret it soon after? A wardrobe gaps list can help steer new wardrobe purchases in a more mindful direction. 

Why not write one?

In 2014 I'm liking the security of my list. 

My wardrobe gaps list

plain v neck jersey tops in black, white and grey

t shirts in black, white and grey
cotton camisoles in black, white and grey
black socks
underwear in black and white 
new black flats (patent?)
black/grey ankle boots
a dress for autumn/winter (smart day wear)