Three Points of Real Liberalism
by Magneto
Real liberalism has been subverted by radical SJW’s and feminists. They’ve given a horrible name to the word “liberal”. But most people are actually liberals in the true sense of the word. Look at White Americans. They are such liberal people that the majority of them see nothing wrong with open immigration. Is there any other race of people on the planet that are so liberal that they see nothing wrong with mass immigration to their countries? No. Look at Japan or Korea or Taiwan. They do not allow open immigration. Look at Africa or India. They do not allow mass open immigration, assuming that anyone would want to immigrate to such places in the first place.
A “conservative” White Western person is more liberal than even a “liberal” Indian or Muslim. So in light of all of that, here are three points for real liberalism.
1. Legalization of Prostitution
I’ve noticed that in places where prostitution became legalized, it almost always happened in places where there is a liberal government. Conservatives believe that prostitution is immoral, so you will almost never see conservatives voting to legalize prostitution. America wouldn’t suck so much if prostitution was legal. There wouldn’t be all these frustrated virgins.
Remember, it was a Christian conservative women’s group that originally voted to ban prostitution, drugs, gambling, etc. So we can pretty much never hope for feminist support for legalization of prostitution. But polls taken show that the younger generation support the legalization of prostitution. So once the conservative older generations die out, it will probably become legal. Imagine getting off work at 6 PM, going to a bar for a beer, and then going to a Blowjob Center and getting a blowjob for 20 dollars? What a great life that would be.
2. Legalization of drugs
Once again, it is almost always liberal political parties that vote to legalize or decriminalize drugs. Because quite frankly, no one has the right to tell anyone else what they can and cannot put into your own body, what to speak of a harmless herb like marijuana. What if someone wants to put opium into their body? That is their choice!
Once again, life would be so much better if drugs were legal. Imagine getting off work and going down to the opium bar for a couple of hours and getting really high and relaxed on opium. We’d probably have a lot less angry people and violence in America. I say that all drugs should be legal. If someone wants to smoke crack? That is their free choice. And they are also free to deal with the consequences of that decision. It’s none of my business.
3. Banning immigrants from ultra-conservative cultures
A true liberal would ban immigrants from ultra-conservative cultures like Islamic countries or India. Obviously, you cannot have a liberal society with a bunch of ultra-conservative immigrants who immigrate to the West simply to get free welfare. Only immigrants from Western countries should be allowed.
But instead of this we have the radical SJW communist filth who want to flood the West with a bunch of subhuman parasites in the name of “anti-racism”. Sorry, but there is nothing liberal about importing a bunch of violent subhumans from cultures that rape 10 month old babies, throw acid in women’s faces, cut off women’s clitorises, etc.
Robert’s idea of only allowing immigrants with an IQ of 100 or higher is an excellent idea. After all if you truly want an enlightened, liberal, open-minded society, you cannot let in people who still live in the 14th century. Muslims hate the West and liberal Western culture, so why do they come here? Because they are parasites on our economy and welfare systems. If they were true Muslims, they would want to live in the most Muslim country on earth, which would be Saudi Arabia. Apparently, living in America is more important to many Muslims than worshiping their God according to Islam.
Anyway, these are three points to be considered for a case of true liberalism. Once again, the people who call themselves “liberals” like feminists, SJWs, and “anti-racists” are not liberals at all. They are fascists who want to violently enforce their beliefs on everyone else.