Three Models of Race

Posted on the 18 January 2015 by Calvinthedog

From the comments section. I actually thought this was sort of funny. Is he onto something here?

Swedophobic Finns writes:

Essentially three models of the races exist.

The first two are rightwing White nationalism (WN) and Robert Lindsay’s leftwing race realism (Liberal Race Realism or LRR). Both types of Whites wake up in the morning and give thanks for being born White.

In LRR, Indians are at the bottom and need to be killed in favour of snakes. This is not literal but shows the force of feeling involved.

With WN, Blacks occupy the lowest position, and Jews are the master manipulator. Jews in LRR are colonialist occupiers of Arab land. So WN and LRR are anti-Semitic in their own ways.

The other races are in between somewhere and tag along with their “privileged” position as it boosts their self esteem not to be at the bottom or to be the Machiavellian Jew.

The third model is the Marxist model. In the classic Western Marxist model, Whites occupy the lowest level. They are racist colonialists who need to make amends for their colonist past and slavery. Indians are out of the picture, but their campaign contribution to the Democrats gets them access to the Obama White House.

Blacks occupy the heights of the political landscape, followed by Arabs. Things can change here at the heights as the Arabs were until recently number one. Recent results from Ferguson rioting have pushed Blacks to the heights once again, and Obama is gaining political capital from the rioting but De Blasio did not, as the two cops that got killed met with a trail back to De Blasio and his anti-police rhetoric. Obama was more skillful in exploiting the riots and the death of the “gentle giant” who got killed initially in Ferguson.

Gays are high up in the classic Marxist Saintology, but in WN they are demons. In LRR, gays are ok, but not if they are Indian. Generally gays rank higher as a “race” than the serpentine Indians. Muslims rank higher too, but it is not known where their position actually rests in the ranking despite not being a group but being given that position as a political heavyweight race for political victimhood points. Blacks are down somewhere certainly ahead of the Indians in LRR; Indians are never at the top of any ideology either as Whites or the Jews as the master manipulators.

Blacks and Arabs and the third place gays ride high in political victimhood and the power politics of the classic Western Alinsky/Antonio Gramsci model. The power elites favor this as the most practical model to grab more political power via the taxed White population who largely fund the plans of the Western political elite.