Three Green Improvements To Sell Your Home, Two That Won’t

Posted on the 18 September 2013 by Ecoexperts @TheEcoExperts

MAKING energy saving improvements to your property could increase its value by 14 per cent on average - and up to 38 per cent in some parts of England - new research released today by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) reveals.

A lush green garden
Most housing experts will agree that a well-kept garden can make the difference between a sale and refusal.

However, the more greenery you have the more carbon dioxide it offsets giving you a more environmentally friendly living area.

Solar Panels
Not only does the government pay you for the energy you produce when you install solar panels, they also increase the value of your home.

Various studies have shown that because solar panels provide the homeowner with free energy, prospective buyers are attracted to properties with them.

A study in California even found that the increase in price for the home was far more than the initial cost, without even taking into consideration the other green benefits.

If you are looking to install solar panels it is important you check with your mortgage and insurance provider, as well as checking if you need planning permission or not.

However, as long as your home has a south-facing un-shaded roof, solar panels will prove to be a good investment while living in your home and while you try and sell it.

A third of heat is lost through the walls of an un-insulated house, so investing in wall insulation could make a huge difference to your energy bills and carbon footprint.

If your house is a new build you probably don’t have to worry, but if it was built before the 1990s you could be wasting huge amounts of energy.

Depending on the style of wall, you will need different types of insulation. If it was built before the 1920s you will probably need solid wall insulation, after then and you will need cavity wall insulation.

Both are expensive and potentially disruptive, but you will immediately notice the savings you make, and if you try and sell your home this will be one question your buyers will definitely ask.

And the two that won’t?

Green Roofs
Replacing a tradition tiled roof grass offers many benefits including keeping your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.

It also absorbs pollution and decreases the amount of noise.

However, aesthetically while you may love it, your potential buyer may not.

There are certain problems associated with grass roofs including structural problems and expensive maintenance.

You may also need to check with your mortgage and home insurance provider to insure installing a grass roof will not affect either of these.

Realistically, if you are not planning on staying in your home for a long time, a grass roof may be something you decide not to do.

Replacing Bay or Sash windows
One of the most attractive features of a period home is an original feature, and your selling price will rise if the house comes with authentic windows, fireplace and / or other characteristics.

Replacing a sash of bay window may seem like a good idea, especially if they are single glazed, but doing so can seriously decrease the selling price of your home.

A better idea would be to install draft strips, or find a specialist glazier who may be able to install a secondary sheet of glass. However, it is likely this will be quite expensive.