Well, here we are friends…back to Friday! It’s time for the 10 Day You Challenge, we are getting down towards the end. I hope you have enjoyed this as much as I have. Today, we are on three films. This, like the other days is incredibly challenging, mainly because I love a lot of movies for a lot of different reasons. We watch a lot of movies in our house and Netflix is our BFF. However, I am not one of those people who will repeatedly watch movies over and over again unless I REALLY love them (I don’t watch re-runs of tv shows I’ve seen either.) So, for this part of the challenge, I am going to just tell you three movies that I CAN watch over and over again and never tire of, they all elicit some sort of emotion in me that never goes away each time I watch them, which is why I keep going back for more.
1. P.S. I Love You
2. The Hangover
3. Napoleon Dynamite
Have a great weekend and I’ll see you on Monday!
Question of the day
What are some of your favorite movies? Do you tend to like one genre or do you like diversity?