Thousands Of Alleged Fake Dating Web Site Profiles Keep Toronto In The News!

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

The Toronto Sun reports that a Toronto resident is suing her former employer, Ashley Madison, for injuries caused to her wrists by having to type 1,000 fake profiles during a 3 week period for the dating web site.

3 Signs You May Be Looking At A Fake Profile On A Dating Web Site

1. You ask yourself: “Marilyn Monroe is back from the dead and available?” You are not just a sucker looking at a dating profile, but probably an unsuspecting test market for the next rip-off of zombie-movie rip-off, the Walking Dead.

2. The guy says his name is Rob Ford, and he is the mayor of Toronto, but there are no crack-pipes or beer bottles to be seen anywhere in the profile picture! Look a little closer. If there are no pixellated gangster-wear clad people hanging off of him, it sounds like a fake to us!

3. Her favorite hobbies include writing; writing thousands of dating profiles; carpel tunnel syndrome yoga therapy; starting lawsuits; and ow, ow, ow! Unless those are also your favorite hobbies, time to move on to the next 1,000 similar profiles!

If you want to know more signs that the dating profile you’re looking at is fake, check back on this site at 3:00 p.m. EST on Wednesday, November 13, 2013!