Thoughts on Thirty

By Lindsayleighbentley @lindsayLbentley

So, today is my 30th birthday.

I hadn’t thought much about it really.  My husband commented last night that I didn’t seem that worked up about it, and he’s right.  I’m really not.

Because I’m excited about my thirties.

Not in a “I hated my 20′s” kind of way, they were wonderful.   But because it seems that every year is better than the last.

I’ve heard that your 30′s are the best years of your life.  And I never really understood this until now.  When I was in my teens I thought that thirty looked boring.  But my life now is anything but boring.   It’s exciting, full new ventures, and opportunities beyond my imagination.  It is filled with meaningful relationships and a love story that I wouldn’t trade with anyone…

I met my husband when we were 16…which means that I have loved him for nearly half of my life.  There is something so reassuring and lovely about having over a decade of marriage under your belt at a young age.  I know him almost as well as I know myself, and I trust him implicitly.  This only comes from years together.  Years that are precious.

I have 2 little boys that are healthy, happy, smart, and full of personality.  They bring more joy and fulfillment than I could have ever imagined.

I am pregnant with our first little girl.  What a sweet surprise.

How could life possibly get any better?

My twenties were wonderful, but they were also sometimes hard.  We got married young, so the majority of our early twenties were spent learning how to be married…which is hard work.  We were also sorting out careers, interests, and just the framework for the people that we wanted to be.  Finances were often tight as we worked to find our “place” in the world.

My husband is now settled into an amazing career, doing what he is passionate about, and is finding great success.  But this came after a decade of hard work.

I have found my own little space in this blog, in natural and holistic living.  The opportunities here are endless and so exciting.

When I was twenty, I had an idea of who I was, what I believed, what I wanted to accomplish…but now, I feel that I am settled.  focused.  I have a clear vision and plan for achieving many of my goals.  It’s a wonderful place to be.

I know that my thirties won’t be without their own struggles.  But I’m not afraid of them.  Because I have a decade of evidence that whatever happens, we will be alright.

So yes, I’m excited about thirty.  The one word that continues to come to mind when thinking of this decade is “thrive”.

I can’t wait to see what the next ten years will bring.

live well. be well.