Thoughts on Paring Down My Wardrobe

By Clairejustalittleless
Item by item and hanger by hanger, I am gradually paring down my wardrobe. I am letting go of: sale items, duplicate items, charity shop items bought only because of the label, the idea of making do with something I no longer like and anything that makes me ask, Am I too old for.... or, Why does this feel tight around my.... My old clothes are being donated to charity shops to help good causes and sold at car boot sales to help build someone's wardrobe who has less than I. Garments residing in storage from Project 333 are leaving the house. Items thrown out by mistake are making me feel truly liberated. The check shirt that I sold for a song to a joyous teenage girl at a car boot sale is still making me smile. My 'best' clothes are being worn again and again. New basics are earning their keep and new listings on Ebay are being prepared. The fear of not having enough clothes is lessening its grip. I'm loving the way my new black and gray linen skirt coordinates with my black, gray and white tops. I'm beginning to count the hangers in my wardrobe... I think I can do this. I can have a minimalist wardrobe.