Thoughts of the Week

By Glossqueen @Gloss_Queen
1. It's all over the news that a diabetes drug is not available at the moment because people on social media have been promoting it as a weight loss drug. What I don't understand is how people who don't have diabetes have been able to access it when it's prescription only. Surely Dr's wouldn't be prescribing it to people for weight loss?
 2. We went to see The Giants during the week, they were amazing. We've seen three of the five, we'll go back to see the two we missed when the weather is cooler. If you get the chance I highly recommend it.
 3. Who's ready for school to go back? I am definitely not. I don't want the craziness to start again, I love our relaxed, no schedule days.
 4. The Body Shop are releasing a whole pile of new make-up soon. The products look lovely. If you want to see what's coming you can check it out in The Body Shop at Home catalog.
 5. Rest in Peace Lisa Marie Presley.