Thoughts of the Week

By Glossqueen @Gloss_Queen
1. Some people really like drama. I like to stay away from those people. Just remember that even if they are trying to drag you into their drama, you do not have to respond. You can ignore or block. No explanations, no excuses, just don't respond.
 2. Lately I've had the chance to spend one on one time with each of the boys and it's been lovely. I'm going to make the effort to do it more often.
 3. Summer has hit with a vengeance and I'm just not here for it.
 4. I'm already dreading how busy this year is going to be. I'm trying not to think of all the commitments I have and how I'm going to juggle them. Being a Mum is tough.
 5. This year I'm determined to get our finances under control. If anyone has a good budgeting app or spreadsheet, please let me know.