Thoughts of the Week

By Glossqueen @Gloss_Queen
1. I went to a funeral on Friday. It was beautiful and brutal at the same time.
2. Priceline is having 50% off cosmetics from Tuesday to Thursday this week.
3. Ed Sheeran has released a new album. From what I've heard so far, I don't like it because it's all collabs with other artists.
4. Nourished Life stock Crazy Rumors lip balms now!
5. I'm still on the hunt for gym leggings that are good quality and not as expensive as Lorna Jane. There's not much available in Bunbury so I bought some online. I researched, read lots of reviews and then bought them only to find that they were totally see through. So see through that I may as well not have bothered wearing pants. Why did no-one mention this? Do people wear see through leggings? I haven't seen anyone at my gym wearing see through leggings, maybe I just go at the wrong time? 
Why would a manufacturer think that selling see through leggings is a good idea? I don't understand.