Thoughts of the Week

By Glossqueen @Gloss_Queen
1 Who's making new years resolutions? I've got nothing so far.
2. Tarte Shape Tape is finally available in Australia. I'd really love to buy it, but won't until I've got through the mountain of concealers that I currently own. If you've tried it, please let me know what it's like/how much I need it.
3. Along with Shape Tape, Pat McGrath products are also available. I'll be passing on them, they're so very expensive!
4. Now that I'm going to the gym, I need active wear. If you know where I can get good quality, reasonably priced stuff, please let me know!
5. Today Andalou Naturals are half price at Priceline. It's a great time to try their Pumpkin Glycolic Mask.