Thoughts for Thursday.....

By Megthamama
-This mama is READY!! 

-Over the weekend, I nicely talked H into cleaning the oven for me. He raised an eyebrow, then I pointed at my big belly and he took the sponge out of my hand. I did take a photo of this and sent it out to my closest BFFs. I know my marriage limits, which is why you can't see the photo. -I had my cousin paint my toes, because let's be real, I haven't seen them in a month! 

-I had my last ultrasound for baby boy on Monday. 

He literally flexed his muscles during the ultrasound. I think he was just showing out. I had my mom, cousin and sis-in-law in the room with me. The child was cracking us up! It was all fun and games for me until the ultrasound tech said that his head is measuring in the 98% percentile. My only hope and prayer at that point was that he was breech. He is not. Of course, my entourage thought this was hilarious.  

-My house is clean and I've being slightly OCD to keep it that way. H is ready for the baby to come on soon so I lose my OCD edge. I have a feeling it may get worse before it gets better. Meanwhile, I almost shot into orbit when Oscar threw up 4 times Saturday night at midnight on the living room rug. We have tile in the kitchen and hardwood in the living room. The dog literally got out of his bed, walked to the living room, and threw up 3 times on the rug. As we were cleaning it up, he decided it was a good idea to throw up on the rug by the backdoor. 

Did I mention it was midnight? And I was in bed? And I'm 9 months preggers? And I'm over sick dogs! Oh and to add some icing to the 'ol cake here........our deaf/half blind dog is allergic to the new sod in our yard!! 

Oh yes! That was a fun night of me scratching his belly and calling the vet. He's pretty much on a benadryl every night. 

-Meanwhile, Oscar has learned a new trick! He jumps up on the chair in the living room, stands on the arm of the chair, then jumps into the baby's swing. Afterwards, he naps. 

It's all cute until he jumps on my sleeping baby.......then it's hot dogs for dinner! 

- My love for cooking has taken a slight downward plummet this week. Just bring this mama some Mexican. And make it spicy so my child gets uncomfortable and wants to escape. 

-Best mothering advice to-date:

- What natural ways can I induce labor? I'm walking the neighborhood every afternoon. I eat a LOT of Mexican food! I have eaten eggplant parm from Olive Garden. H is taking me for a golf cart ride on the bumpy course.