Thoughts for Thursday.....

By Megthamama
- Yesterday started Lent season. And me and the Mister are participating. This is the first Lent that I am "giving up" something. 

Since purchasing our iPhone's, we have noticed that we spend a LOT of time on them! So- we are giving up our phones when we are at home. We had to add some caveats to this because we both have jobs where we need to call, text, email after we are home from work. So- we are mainly giving up our social media at home, games and unnecessary use. 

With the extra time that I will be gaining at home, I plan on reading an hour a night. I have 3 new books that I have not made a priority....and that is about to change. Lard knows, this is my only chance between now and June to read at my leisure.

- I'm spending the night with my parents tonight. Sometimes, it's nice to be able to sleep in the middle of the bed every now and then. And not hear weenie dogs snore at 2am! 

- We received the sweetest little gift for the buddy this week:

3 amazing books and a fab homemade card!! It's so much fun coming home to baby packages on your front porch! I have already placed them in his "bookshelves".....courtesy of my baby daddy!
We will be taking the book "On the Night You Were Born" with us to the hospital and let it serve as our guest book! This was such a great gift! - 2 Sunday's ago, I had to "run in Kroger real quick" to pick up a last minute item for the baby shower at our house. I'm sad to say, I left with this:

I'm more ashamed that I ate it in the car on the way home than the fact that my Sunday lunch was from the deli of a grocerystore! - Yesterday, I took the buddies on a quick walk with a neighbor....and here's why: 

It's lights out at 8pm! Our doggies are like toddlers in the fact that if you tire them out, they go to bed early and sleep during the night.