-Well, I made it through Derek Shepard's funeral last week without crying. It may had something to do with the Snicker's Ice Cream bar I was eating on thought.
- How true is this:
- Well, Katy Perry, you have now provided me with craft ideas of what to do with my empty spray paint cans:
I'm terrible at BEFORE pics, so I snapped this one obviously after I hit go on the paint.
Clearly thrilled about his new wheels!
- Last Friday- for my birthday, dad came over and pressured washed my house while I did some yard maintenance and clean up. You know you are getting old when for your birthday, you ask for manual labor and a babysitter.Somehow, I got into the poison ivy. It is now on my wrist and arm and it itches like crazy!
So, my mom kept baby Jax on Friday night so Saturday I could actually COMPLETE up some home projects. Let's be real here, doing any type of project with a crawling baby that loves his mama so much he wants to love on her all the time really doesn't end well.
I was a mad woman on Saturday making 12 tea towels, 6 freezer meals, grocery shopping and other small projects around the house that I have been neglecting. I started some birthday projects and even broke out the spray paint.
- This pretty much sums me up right now: