Thought of the Day and Quotes for Kids

By Hemapriya Natesan @MyLittleMoppet

February 13, 2022 Leave a Comment

One of the greatest roles of a parent is to enlighten their children with knowledge and wisdom that helps them understand the world around them better while also imparting valuable life lessons. If you’re a parent you’ll know that’s easier said than done because it is surprisingly tricky to motivate and move a child simply through words. In such a situation, we’ve found that “quotes” and “thoughts of the day” often come in handy.

Thought of the day and quotes for kids

Even at an early age, quotes have a great influence on one’s mind. The correct quotation has the power to uplift bad moods and nullify negative thoughts. A few brief phrases are more than enough to instill optimism and hope in your child. We have compiled a list of quotes we believe can greatly benefit your child’s life.

Life quotes

Living a wonderful life entails acknowledging – and even exploring – all of life’s oddities, jagged edges, and inconsistencies. A wonderful existence, we believe, begins with recognizing that you are good, regardless of how people try to diminish or invalidate you. Even for a toddler, life may be intimidating, exciting, and astounding all at once. Children are often thought to have it easy since they do not have to pay taxes or worry about where their next meal will come from. They, too, have difficulties, even if they appear insignificant to you. As a result, statements about life for kids might come in helpful for a parent during moments like these.

  1. “Everything you can imagine is real.”
  2. “Today is the day to learn new things from life.”
  3. “One kind word can change someone’s entire day.”
  4. “Do more of what makes you happy.”
  5. “Problems are not stop-signs, they are guidelines.”

Quotes on Inspiration

Inspiration is a sensation of excitement you get from someone or something that prompts you to come up with fresh and unique ideas. If something or someone inspires a book, piece of art, or action, they are the source of the ideas included in it or serve as a model for it.

Children’s inspirational quotations are a must-have. You can’t expect your youngster to wake up every day eager to learn and highly motivated. The proper motivating statement, delivered at the appropriate time, can do what no amount of speech can. Here is a collection of fantastic motivational quotations for kids.

  1. “Shine – like the whole universe is yours.”
  2. “Never give up because great things take time.”
  3. “Growth is a continuous process and change is the only constant.”
  4. “I can and I will. Watch me!”
  5. “Never stop looking up and ahead!”

Quotes on Education

Education develops a person’s ability to think critically and make sound decisions. This can only be accomplished via education, which provides a person with knowledge of the world around him and beyond, trains him to reason, and familiarises him with history, allowing him to be a better judge of the present. The most essential thing in the world is education, and no child should be left behind. As a result, from among the many excellent educational ideas for children, five of the best have been included below for parents to consider. The following are some excellent educational quotations for children:

  1. “The expert in anything was once a beginner.”
  2. “The more that you read, the more things you know. The more that you learn, the more places you go.” – Dr. Suess
  3. “Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.”
  4. “Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela
  5. “Tell me, and I forget. Teach me and I’ll remember. Involve me, and I will learn.”

Quotes on Motherhood:

A mother serves as a guardian, disciplinarian, and friend to her children. A mother is a selfless, caring individual who must forego many of her own desires and needs in order to meet the desires and needs of her children. A mother works hard to ensure that her kid has the information, skills, and talents necessary to succeed as a competent human being. The connection between a kid and his or her mother is one of pure love, as these motherhood quotations demonstrate.

  1. “From the moment I became a mother, my purpose has been to love and protect my children with everything I have.”
  2. “The bond between a mother and her child is the only real and purest bond in the world, the only true love we can ever find in our lifetime.”
  3. “God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers.”
  4. “Mothers and their children are in a category all their own. There’s no bond so strong in the entire world. No love is so instantaneous and forgiving.”
  5. “A child’s first teacher is its mother.”

Quotes on Leadership

Leadership is the process of directing and motivating a group or individual to attain a common objective. Leaders inspire people to take the steps necessary to achieve success. It is vital to develop and cultivate the abilities required to be an effective leader. A recognized leader is a successful leader. A leader who cultivates respect is one worth following because they are prepared to go above and beyond for the people they lead and the cause they are fighting for. A virtuous leader is a successful leader. Everything they do reflects their honesty, integrity, and character.

  1. “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi
  2. “Be the leader, you would follow.”
  3. “Don’t adapt to the energy in the room. Influence it.”
  4. “Leadership is empowering people.”
  5. “Leadership is not a position or a title, it is action and example.”

Quotes on Positivity

Positive thinking, often known as an optimistic mindset, is the act of concentrating on the positive aspects of a situation. It simply implies that you face life’s good and bad with the anticipation of things going well. Making a kid feel good, at least at the start of the day, is one of a mother’s most crucial responsibilities. Some of these positive kid’s thoughts can make a big difference in your child’s day.

  1. “It is better to look forward and prepare than to look back and regret.”
  2. “A negative mind can never give you a positive life.”
  3. “Be the reason someone smiles today.”
  4. “Happiness is a mood, positivity is a mindset.”
  5. “Positivity is the faith that leads to achievement.”

A great way to include these quotes into your child’s day would be to introduce a quote everyday to your child/children and offer a reward if they’re correctly able to demonstrate and explain what that quote means. Not only does this method reinforce the behavior that successfully completing tasks is rewarding, but it also ends up teaching your child the meaning of complex quotations.

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Filed Under: Education & Schools, Entertainment, Parenting, Reading, toddler Activities Tagged With: Inspirational thoughts for kids, Motivational thoughts and quotes for kids, Positive thoughts for kids, Thought of the day and quotes for kids, Thought of the day for kids in English