Those Richer American Readers Prefer Print

Posted on the 03 August 2011 by Themarioblog @garciainteract

TAKEAWAY: We continue to celebrate print this week in TheMarioBlog.  Today the good news from a recent study: more affluent readers prefer to read print media.

Hey, print media fans out there, you knew it all along: print rocks.

And earlier this week we ran our own Garcia Media retrospective to salute our involvement in print projects.

Now we read this interesting study that informs us that the wealthier Americans do prefer print.

The Advertising Age study using their Mendelsohn Affluent Barometer to track new and traditional media use among American Affluents reveals that the 20% of Americans who account for about 60% of U.S. income and approximately 70% of U.S. net worth, prefer to read their newspapers and magazines in their hard copy printed versions.

Highlights of interest:

—93% said they read hard-copy print versions; in contrast, less than a third read them on computers, and no other format garnered more than 10%.

—The same pattern is evident for newspapers, which 86% read in print, compared to the 39% who read them on computers, and 14% who read them via smartphone.

TV shows are watched on TVs by 94%, followed by 23% who watch them on computers. Websites are viewed on computers by 94%, followed by 32% viewing them on smartphones. The pattern is clear across all media.

End of the Push Pop Press

See the video where Al Gore explains his iPad book, Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis

Push Pop published one multimedia book for the iPad, Al Gore’s Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis.—-which has garnered great reviews for its innovative approach to e-book publishing, But now, Facebook has acquired Push Pop Press and plans to dismantle it, as it has no interest in e-book publishing.  They obviously prefer that users spend their time telling their own stories on Facebook.

Our colleague Joe Zeff offers some insightful commentary in his blog about this issue:

TheMarioBlog post #823