Thorny Phallus Sculpture

By Waynechisnall @WayneChisnall
I realize that there are probably a few more vulvic than phallic pieces in my body of work so here's a slight redress - my new sculpture, 'Prickly'.

For a while now I've been thinking about starting work on a series of small fetish (as in talisman or charm) figures or objects. To be honest, I hadn't got anything remotely like 'Prickly' in mind when I was mulling over ideas for the project. However, I had gathered together a large collection of found materials that I plan to use in the construction of the series, and after staring at the section of thorn bush that now makes up the base of 'Prickly' for some time, the idea just came to me so I went with it. With sculpture, sometimes it does feel like a material will dictate the direction it wants to go in and you just have to go with it.