This Weekend, I...

By _jessismore @_jessismore
This Weekend, I... spent quite a lot of time in the Home Depot door department arguing discussing visions for our new front and storm doors.  Oy.  That's no fun. I did do something much more interesting and fun, though.  
This Weekend, my bud Lauren's parents officially opened their gorgeous event property called Coop's Event Barn.  Kelly and her hubs carpooled with Jeremiah and me for the hour and a half drive southeast of Minneapolis to Dodge Center, Minnesota. (for you Minnesoooottaaaah folks, that's halfway between Owatonna and Rochester)(for you Florida folks, that's the land of corn and soybean fields, grain silos, and tractors)    Lauren and her husband Jesse had their wedding there almost exactly two years ago, and her parents toyed with the idea of turning it into a business ever since.  There is a great article chronicling the transition here.  
If anything would make me want to plan another event of epic proportions again, it is this barn. It's stunning and casual at the same time -- elegant, yet approachable.  I also want to hire Lauren's mom to come help me find antiques for our place (Lo, can you get on that?!). 

There are multiple locations to host a ceremony including out in the yard or up in the old hayloft.  The main room holds over 250 people, which is perfect for those large Minnesota families.  Lauren's family perfected all the little details, and it's just awesome.  The food wasn't so bad, either.  

A blogger...meets camera...meets wine...meets flowers...

Blogger beers...

And since it is Jesse and Lauren's anniversary, we did a little impromptu photo shoot.  My gosh, are these couples adorable, or what?!  

Such a fun weekend!  Oh, and no bloggers or blogger husbands were compensated for gushing over Coop's Event Barn. Well, we ate free food -- but that's about it.  
Linking up with Syn and Sar!