Welcome to my weekly post, where I sum-up what I’ve been up to in bookland the past week.
After a couple of weeks where pesky real life busy-ness formed a black cloud over my blog, I’m pleased to feel back in control! Here’s to business as usual… I hope (although I am away this weekend – Doh)!
Now: The War Against the Assholes ~ Sam Munson
I’ve only just started this so nothing to report yet. I love the sound of it though.
Then: Glass Sword ~ Victoria Aveyard
I found this really slow-going at the beginning and I thought I would never get into it, but then it all changed and I couldn’t stop reading. I didn’t find Mare as annoying as others seems to have either… My review will be up next week sometime.
Next: ???
Probably Magruder’s Curiosity Cabinet by H.P Wood as that’s my next ARC in the queue.
New on the Shelves
Borrowed: I borrowed these from my friend Dora…
Save me, Kurt Cobain
Nico Cavan has been adrift since her mother vanished when she was four—maternal abandonment isn’t exactly something you can just get over. Staying invisible at school is how she copes—that and listening to alt music and summoning spirits on the Ouija board with her best friend and co-conspirator in sarcasm, Obe. But when a chance discovery opens a window onto her mom’s wild past, it sparks an idea in her brain that takes hold and won’t let go.
On a ferry departing Seattle, Nico encounters a slight blond guy with piercing blue eyes wearing a hooded jacket. Something in her heart tells her that this feeling she has might actually be the truth, so she follows him to a remote cabin in the Pacific Northwest. When she is stranded there by a winter storm, fear and darkness collide, and the only one who can save Nico might just be herself.
Chelsea Horror Hotel
After one of his nightmares, an evil force enters his hotel room and hurls him against a wall. Dee Dee also gets involved with the transvestite lover of one of his gay fellow addicts. When his wife finds out, the two fight it out and become seriously wounded. During all this, Dee Dee is tormented by the living and dead demons that plague the hotel, along with the ghosts of his old dead punk rock friends Sid Vicious, Johnny Thunders and Stiv Bators. And that’s when the Devil himself decides to join the party…
Waiting on Wednesday
(linking up with Breaking the Spine)
Pinborough’s award-winning 2009 novella gets a re-release this August. I’ve been meaning to try more of her stuff for a while so I’d like to give this one a go.
With her siblings all gone, back to their self-obsessed lives, she is now alone with the faltering wreck of her father’s cancer-ridden body. It is always at times like this when it–the dark and nameless, the impossible, presence that lingers along the fringes of the dark fields beyond the house–comes calling.
As the clock ticks away in the darkness, she can only wait for it to find her, a reunion she both dreads and aches for…
So, that’s my week in books, now how about yours?
If you’re joining in leave the link to your answers in the comments so everyone can take a look