This Week in Books #TWIB

By Lipsy @lipsyy

Welcome to my weekly post, where I sum-up what I’ve been up to in bookland the past week. 

I hope you all had a great Easter. I had a great week which was mega busy IRL-wise so reading took a back seat. Actually it was beyond the back seat, it was in the trunk. Therefore my answers are pretty much the same as last week I’m afraid. 😦

Now: The Crow Girl ~ Erik Axl Sund

I AM making progress on this, and it’s good, but it’s lonnng. It was originally published as a trilogy but the English translation has been published in one volume. I’m about 3/4 of the way through so technically I have finished at least one book this week, right?

Then:  The Amber Fury ~ Natalie Haynes 

The last one was The Amber Fury which I reviewed last Saturday. My other recent read was My Kind of Crazy which is released next week so my review will be up soon.

Next: ??? 

Something from my TBR shelves! Or if time becomes an issue I may have to crack on with some more April ARCs which you can read more about on my March round-up which will be up tomorrow.

What have you been reading this week?