This Week in Books 25.02.15

By Lipsy @lipsyy

Welcome to my Wednesday post, where I sum-up what I’ve been up to in bookland the past week.

I’ve been a bit AWOL lately, sorry about that. But real life has been a bit crazy and I literally didn’t get longer than 30 mins all week to pick up a book, never mind do any blogging. But hopefully all that will change soon as…wait for it… I finally GOT A JOB!! I’m not going to announce what it is yet, as I haven’t had the paperwork through and it depends on some security checks, but what I can tell you is that IT INVOLVES BOOKS. Eeeeeeeek…finally!

Anyway, back to this week. I’ve cut this one short as my blogging activity has been so limited. Hopefully normality will resume next week.

Now: The Ghosts of Heaven ~ Marcus Sedgwick //The Martian ~ Andy Weir

It’s been slow-going on The Ghosts of Heaven because of time constraints, not because of the book. I wasn’t entirely sure about it at first, but I’m half way through now and loving it!

The Martian is one I’ve heard so many good things about so I have high hopes. Early days so far, but it’s compelling already.

Then: When Mystical Creatures Attack ~ Kathleen Founds

I had to give up on this one. I kind of appreciated the ambition of it, but I just didn’t get it. It probably didn’t help that I had no reading time so felt like I had to be more selective than usual. I’ll still try to do a mini review of this soon as it was a Netgalley approval.

Next: ???

Same as my last post I’m afraid: As always, I’m not sure. There are lots of options; Heir of Fire, Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe and The Girl with all The Gifts are at the top of the pile at the mo.

I hope you guys did better than me this week?