This Week in Books 25.01.17 #TWIB #CurrentlyReading

By Lipsy @lipsyy

This Week in Books 25.01.17 #TWIB #CurrentlyReading

Welcome to This Week in Books, where I share what I’ve been up to in bookland this week

Happy Wednesday, Everyone. I’ve started getting some posts ready after a blog hiatus this month so expect me back up and running next week. 🙂

Here’s what I’ve been up to this week…

This Week in Books 25.01.17 #TWIB #CurrentlyReading

Now: Pagan Portals: Merlin ~ Elen Sentier.

I’m on a bit of a non-fiction kick at the moment which is strange for me. I’ve had this for a while though so it’s well overdue. Should be an interesting angle on the Arthurian era.

Then:   Heartless  ~ Marissa Meyer

I liked this a lot but was still slightly disappointed compared to how amazing The Lunar Chronicles is.

Next: ??? 

I’m not completely sure…too many to choose from. Maybe the final Grisha book, or a Patrick Ness. 


So that’s my week in books, now why don’t you tell me about yours!?

Leave your answers or the link to your post in the comments and I’ll take a look 🙂